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Speaking practice

 Let's practice speaking a little bit. Record yourself telling me about your family. You can answer some of these questions:

- Who are the members of your family?

- Do you have any blothers or sisters?

- How old are they?

- Who do you live with?

- What do you like to do together as a family?

1. Click the picture to start.

2. Push the button of the website and record your voice.

3. Click in "Guardar y compartir".

4. Copy the link of the recording

5. Paste in comments of this post.

6. Enjoy!


  1. Hi Carmen!
    I like your activity and how you present it to students, with simple sentences and easy-to-follow instructions. I have never used Vocaroo with my students but I have it on my list ;) I think it is a good way to practice speaking without pressure, shame and in an attractive way for them.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Angélica!

      It is true that Vocaroo is very easy to use and I think that it could help students to practice their speaking skills.

      Carmen Moriones

  2. Hello Carmen,

    I love your blog, I didn't know in which activity to write my comment, because all your activities are amazing. I like a lot from this one how you made the links using pictures. You use everything so visual and easy for the students that I like it a lot. To sum up, you did an amazing work, making it so easy for the students to go through your blog.
    Well done!:


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